General information and services
Prepare yourself optimally for your trade fair visit. Here you will find all relevant information
Opening hours of the trade fair
FAF - FARBE, AUSBAU & FASSADE will take place from 20 to 23 April 2027 at the Cologne Exhibition Centre:
Tuesday to Thursday
09:00 - 18:00
09:00 - 17:00
How to get to Cologne
Whether you are travelling by train, car, public transport or bus, here you will find information on how you can easily reach FAF - FARBE, AUSBAU & FASSADE.
Where to stay
Are you still looking for a hotel during FAF - FARBE, AUSBAU & FASSADE in Cologne? Choose from numerous hotels directly at the trade fair centre, in the idyllic surrounding area or in the heart of the city's trendy districts.
You will also find information on sights and restaurants in the city of Cologne.
FAQ: Do you still have questions?
Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions and all the important information about FAF - FARBE, AUSBAU & FASSADE 2027!
One trade fair, many networks
Inspiring colours and patterns, many innovations and numerous opportunities for personal exchange: Look forward to FAF - FARBE, AUSBAU & FASSADE 2027! Follow us for even more anticipation.