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Warning against unofficial service providers

Unofficial service providers are a constant source of trouble for organisers and exhibitors


Warning! Providers of unofficial

  • exhibitor directories
  • Hotel brokers and
  • other trade fair-related services

are a constant source of annoyance for organisers and exhibitors.

These companies send offer forms to exhibitors at German trade fairs. The structure of the forms sent out by these companies gives the misleading impression that it is, for example, a free entry in the official exhibitor directory of the trade fair organiser. In reality, however, the small print causes high costs.


As an exhibitor at our trade fairs, we would like to point out that these companies and their exhibitor directories are in no way connected with GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH and the trade fairs we organise.

We would also like to point out that you will only be contacted by our partners for trade fair media:

If you have already signed a form in error or concluded other contracts, you should cancel them as soon as possible or respond with a declaration of avoidance due to error.

If you are not sure whether an offer comes directly from one of our trade fairs, simply send it to us by e-mail (faf-messe@ghm.de), stating your contact details. We will then get back to you so that you can be on the safe side when filling out a form.