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Deutsches Maler- und Lackierer Museum

Short description

The museum is located in a 400-year-old half-timbered house, known as the Glockenhaus after its ridge turret with bell tower. On display is over 800 years of history of the painting trade. Historical documents, journeymen's and master craftsmen's certificates, guild objects and examination papers ar



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The Association for the Promotion of the "German Painting and Varnishing Museum" is a registered association and is recognized as a "non-profit association". We can therefore issue a corresponding donation receipt for donations to the association.
The association was founded in 1984 and is the sponsor of the museum. Dedicated members of the association look after groups of visitors and give guided tours of the exhibitions with expert explanations.
The association's board consists of 5 people, is elected for 5 years at a time and works on a voluntary basis without remuneration.
You too can become a sponsor and member of the association.
Support and secure the existence of this beautiful "German Painting and Varnishing Museum". We do not receive any financial support from the state; museum operations are financed by entrance fees, membership fees and donations.


Deutsches Maler- und Lackierer Museum

22113 Hamburg, Germany
Bilverder Billdeich 72


Ulrich Seiss

Ulrich Seiss

Deputy management
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