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Inspiration FAF 2024

Explore Business Opportunities With Us

We have developed an agile business strategy tailored to the diverse needs of our customers, aiming to provide mutual benefits to all stakeholders involved.

Nova Spraytec GmbH
82205 Gilching, Germany


We have developed an agile business strategy tailored to the diverse needs of our customers, aiming to provide mutual benefits to all stakeholders involved.


If you are a larger painting subcontractor or a general contractor interested in purchasing our product, we are committed to providing excellent customer service and support to ensure that you derive maximum value from our product.

Painting as a service:

If you are experiencing challenges in taking on larger projects, recruiting temporary skilled workers, meeting project deadlines, or seeking innovative approaches to painting, the painting as a service business model is the perfect choice for you.

You can book our service division for any jobs that you believe might require additional assistance. We will provide the operator and the machine and carry out the project alongside your team, charging you based on the square meters sprayed. As a benefit, customers can double their productivity, save up to 35% on materials, and maintain consistent quality.

The Painting-as-a-Service model is currently only available in Southern Germany. However, we are aiming to rapidly expand the service coverage in the near future.

Subsidiary & Affiliate:

If you are a motivated and knowledgeable painting entrepreneur who sees the potential of our product and approach, we are actively seeking opportunities to expand our business internationally. We are open to discussions on how we can collaborate and explore potential business opportunities together.

Your contact person

Phil Nehammer

Phil Nehammer

Head of Sales & Marketing
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