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Novelty FAF 2024


Meffert AG Farbwerke and Vibrantz Technologies offer the most modern and efficient tinting technology currently available for the DIY trade - COLOR MIX PEARLS. The first 100% volumetrically dispensable and preservative-free mix concept.

Meffert AG Farbwerke
Bad Kreuznach, Germany


Meffert AG Farbwerke and Vibrantz Technologies offer the most modern and efficient tinting technology currently available for the DIY trade - COLOR MIX PEARLS. Tinting is done with biocide-free, almost indefinitely durable small beads of pure pigment. In April, the paint manufacturer presented the extensive benefits to the specialist trade and DIY sector at the FAF in Cologne.
the extensive advantages at the POS.

COLOR MIX PEARLS stand for preservative-free tinting, minimal maintenance and cleaning effort as well as a fast and ergonomic working method. The beads are formulated on the basis of freeze-dried pigment preparations. This means that no preservatives are required to protect both the preparation and the mixing machine from contamination. They can be used to tint all water-based products such as interior paints, façade paints, plasters, varnishes and glazes without distorting the product properties advertised on the label.

COLOR MIX PEARLS therefore meet the strict requirements of various environmental labels, such as the "Blue Angel" or "EU Ecolabel". "This is unique on the market," confirms Marketing Manager Jens Bayer. Due to their round shape, the dust-free pigment pellets do not stick, meaning that the storage containers can be emptied one hundred percent. As the mixing machines work without rotating parts, sensors, pumps, hoses or nozzles that could clog or wear out, the technology is virtually maintenance-free. "This is one of the many advantages for employees at the POS," says Bayer, praising the innovation.

The technology also makes it possible to work more ergonomically and tint the base color directly in the container without having to place the bucket under the dosing system. As the pigment beads can be dosed into a transfer container and this can be emptied completely, it will no longer be necessary to place the heavy bucket under the mixing machine first.

There is also no need for time-consuming shaking. COLOR MIX PEARLS do not thicken or dry out. There is no sedimentation, no drying and no mold - all daily problems with liquid pigment pastes. "This is the future for the German and European market," summarizes Jürgen Old, Project Manager Tinting at Meffert AG Farbwerke. "The customer gets precise and faster dosing. The dealer has less maintenance work and therefore lower costs. His downtimes are reduced and customer satisfaction increases. He also gets better ergonomics for his employees. Tinted products in preservative-free quality are now also possible at the POS."

For DIY retailers, all these benefits have been combined with a well thought-out POS design and the modern "düfa meine Farbe" product concept. More at www.duefa.de

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Jens Bayer

Jens Bayer

Head of Marketing Meffert AG
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