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Award ceremony FAF FARBWERTE AWARD powered by AIT -Dialogue

2 winners, 4 special distinctions, 4 distinctions: Presentation of the certificates for the FAF FARBWERTE AWARD powered by AIT-Dialogue, selection of the winners by a high-calibre jury of experts.


Markus Schlegel, Professor of Colour Project Development in the Colour Design competence field at the HAWK University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hildesheim: "At a time when we are talking about change, reorientation and rethinking everywhere, and this transformation is also – amongst other things – reflected in new requirements for spaces, it is the task of designers to offer solutions for this. In this context, we therefore see companies not
only as manufacturers of materials, but above all as creative partners who provide design offerings alongside their products and services."
Finally, the IIT Institute International Trendscouting of HAWK in Hildesheim, commissioned by FAF to conceptually design the FAF FARBWERTE special area, has determined a zeitgeist-oriented range of 15 colours for the trade fair under the direction of Professor Markus Schlegel: the FAF FARBWERTE Design Futures. The professor explains: "These are based on research into megatrends and their influence on our lives, on actions, on design in general, on living and the expectation of design in space." FAF exhibitors were invited to provide themed material samples, which IIT HAWK curated as installations on the 250 square metres of FAF FARBWERTE. In this way this special area brings together the design expertise of trade, industry, basically the entire business sector and makes it possible to experience it up close. An independent jury will select the best of these interpretations and present the FAF FARBWERTE AWARD powered by AIT-Dialog on the opening day of the trade fair.

List of honoured companies

Sto SE & Co. KG

Special Distinction
2 x DAW SE
FFT Funktionsflächentextil GmbH
Meffert AG Farbenwerke

Objectfloor Art & Design
Sto SE & Co. KG

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