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Novelty FAF 2024

Product launch of the new RAL K7 colour fan is imminent

Immerse yourself in the future of colour fans with the new RAL K7. Get an exclusive, first product impression of the new RAL K7 at the FAF and find out what makes the colour fan so special.

RAL gemeinnützige GmbH
53229 Bonn, Germany


The RAL K7 CLASSIC colour fan visualises the colour spectrum of the historically grown RAL CLASSIC colour collection with its 216 timeless and proven colours. It shows 5 colour shades per page, including the corresponding 4-digit RAL code and the corresponding RAL colour name for worldwide colour communication. 

Use the K7 - the classic colour fan - to define the desired colour tones, contrasts and colour combinations.

Would you like us to inform you about the official product launch of the new, innovative RAL K7?
Then sign up for the RAL COLOURS newsletter. You will soon find all further information on the new RAL K7 colour fan on our website or our RAL COLOURS Shop. 

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Markus Frentrop

Markus Frentrop

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